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What Matters in Hierarchical Search for Combinatorial Reasoning Problems?

Published in arxiv, 2024

Efficiently tackling combinatorial reasoning problems, particularly the notorious NP-hard tasks, remains a significant challenge for AI research. Recent efforts have sought to enhance planning by incorporating hierarchical high-level search strategies, known as subgoal methods. While promising, their performance against traditional low-level planners is inconsistent, raising questions about their application contexts. In this study, we conduct an in-depth exploration of subgoal-planning methods for combinatorial reasoning. We identify the attributes pivotal for leveraging the advantages of high-level search: hard-to-learn value functions, complex action spaces, presence of dead ends in the environment, or using data collected from diverse experts. We propose a consistent evaluation methodology to achieve meaningful comparisons between methods and reevaluate the state-of-the-art algorithms.

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BAN-PL: a Polish Dataset of Banned Harmful and Offensive Content from Wykop. pl web service

Published in 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), 2024

Since the Internet is flooded with hate, it is one of the main tasks for NLP experts to master automated online content moderation. However, advancements in this field require improved access to publicly available accurate and non-synthetic datasets of social media content. For the Polish language, such resources are very limited. In this paper, we address this gap by presenting a new open dataset of offensive social media content for the Polish language. The dataset comprises content from, a popular online service often referred to as the Polish Reddit, reported by users and banned in the internal moderation process. It contains a total of 691,662 posts and comments, evenly divided into two categories: harmful and neutral (non-harmful). The anonymized subset of the BAN-PL dataset consisting on 24,000 pieces (12,000 for each class), along with preprocessing scripts have been made publicly available. Furthermore the paper offers valuable insights into real-life content moderation processes and delves into an analysis of linguistic features and content characteristics of the dataset. Moreover, a comprehensive anonymization procedure has been meticulously described and applied. The prevalent biases encountered in similar datasets, including post-moderation and pre-selection biases, are also discussed.

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Big Tech influence over AI research revisited: memetic analysis of attribution of ideas to affiliation

Published in arxiv, 2023

There exists a growing discourse around the domination of Big Tech on the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) research, yet our comprehension of this phenomenon remains cursory. This paper aims to broaden and deepen our understanding of Big Tech’s reach and power within AI research. It highlights the dominance not merely in terms of sheer publication volume but rather in the propagation of new ideas or memes. Current studies often oversimplify the concept of influence to the share of affiliations in academic papers, typically sourced from limited databases such as arXiv or specific academic conferences. The main goal of this paper is to unravel the specific nuances of such influence, determining which AI ideas are predominantly driven by Big Tech entities. By employing network and memetic analysis on AI-oriented paper abstracts and their citation network, we are able to grasp a deeper insight into this phenomenon. By utilizing two databases: OpenAlex and S2ORC, we are able to perform such analysis on a much bigger scale than previous attempts. Our findings suggest, that while Big Tech-affiliated papers are disproportionately more cited in some areas, the most cited papers are those affiliated with both Big Tech and Academia. Focusing on the most contagious memes, their attribution to specific affiliation groups (Big Tech, Academia, mixed affiliation) seems to be equally distributed between those three groups. This suggests that the notion of Big Tech domination over AI research is oversimplified in the discourse. Ultimately, this more nuanced understanding of Big Tech’s and Academia’s influence could inform a more symbiotic alliance between these stakeholders which would better serve the dual goals of societal welfare and the scientific integrity of AI research.

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Towards Harmful Erotic Content Detection through Coreference-Driven Contextual Analysis

Published in Sixth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference (CRAC 2023), 2023

Adult content detection still poses a great challenge for automation. Existing classifiers primarily focus on distinguishing between erotic and non-erotic texts. However, they often need more nuance in assessing the potential harm. Unfortunately, the content of this nature falls beyond the reach of generative models due to its potentially harmful nature. Ethical restrictions prohibit large language models (LLMs) from analyzing and classifying harmful erotics, let alone generating them to create synthetic datasets for other neural models. In such instances where data is scarce and challenging, a thorough analysis of the structure of such texts rather than a large model may offer a viable solution. Especially given that harmful erotic narratives, despite appearing similar to harmless ones, usually reveal their harmful nature first through contextual information hidden in the non-sexual parts of the narrative. This paper introduces a hybrid neural and rule-based context-aware system that leverages coreference resolution to identify harmful contextual cues in erotic content. Collaborating with professional moderators, we compiled a dataset and developed a classifier capable of distinguishing harmful from non-harmful erotic content. Our hybrid model, tested on Polish text, demonstrates a promising accuracy of 84% and a recall of 80%. Models based on RoBERTa and Longformer without explicit usage of coreference chains achieved significantly weaker results, underscoring the importance of coreference resolution in detecting such nuanced content as harmful erotics. This approach also offers the potential for enhanced visual explainability, supporting moderators in evaluating predictions and taking necessary actions to address harmful content.

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Deep Dive into the Language of International Relations: NLP-based Analysis of UNESCO’s Summary Records

Published in Third Workshop on Computational Linguistics for the Political and Social Sciences at KONVENS 2023 Conference, 2023

Cultural heritage is an arena of international relations that interests all states worldwide. The inscription process on the UNESCO World Heritage List and the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity often leads to tensions and conflicts among states. This research addresses these challenges by developing automatic tools that provide valuable insights into the decision-making processes regarding inscriptions to the two lists mentioned above. We propose innovative topic modelling and tension detection methods based on UNESCO’s summary records. Our analysis achieved a commendable accuracy rate of 72% in identifying tensions. Furthermore, we have developed an application tailored for diplomats, lawyers, political scientists, and international relations researchers that facilitates the efficient search of paragraphs from selected documents and statements from specific speakers about chosen topics. This application is a valuable resource for enhancing the understanding of complex decision-making dynamics within international heritage inscription procedures.

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Climate Policy Tracker: Pipeline for automated analysis of public climate policies

Published in Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning: workshop at NeurIPS 2022, 2022

The number of standardized policy documents regarding climate policy and their publication frequency is significantly increasing. The documents are long and tedious for manual analysis, especially for policy experts, lawmakers, and citizens who lack access or domain expertise to utilize data analytics tools. Potential consequences of such a situation include reduced citizen governance and involvement in climate policies and an overall surge in analytics costs, rendering less accessibility for the public. In this work, we use a Latent Dirichlet Allocation-based pipeline for the automatic summarization and analysis of 10-years of national energy and climate plans (NECPs) for the period from 2021 to 2030, established by 27 Member States of the European Union. We focus on analyzing policy framing, the language used to describe specific issues, to detect essential nuances in the way governments frame their climate policies and achieve climate goals. The methods leverage topic modeling and clustering for the comparative analysis of policy documents across different countries. It allows for easier integration in potential user-friendly applications for the development of theories and processes of climate policy. This would further lead to better citizen governance and engagement over climate policies and public policy research.

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